
My memory pictures
My memory pictures

my memory pictures

However, the first three deletion methods are actually more taxing to the memory card than using the card’s Format function. In the end, all of the above methods work toward the same end, in that they remove the images from your card.

my memory pictures

If you’re in the middle of a shoot and you take a bad photo, you may be tempted to delete it right then and there with the Delete button. So here are the ways you should not delete your photos: Getting rid of each photo individually through the camera by using the Delete or Erase button However, I recommend you avoid them if at all possible. If your memory card is full, you may be tempted to use one of these methods to delete your photos. So if you’re looking for the best way to delete photos from your memory cards, read on! Less desirable ways to delete photos This isn’t something that’s talked about all that often, but when it comes down to it, it is really simple. That said, there are a few things we can do to maximize the lifespan of our memory cards, including deleting our photos off the memory card in the most efficient manner possible. You may have noticed that I said “nearly” endless, and that’s because memory cards do have a lifespan and will not last indefinitely. Now that digital cameras are on the scene and we’re using memory cards in place of film, the number of photographs that we can take in any given week or month is nearly endless. Our public high school relied heavily on film donations, and sometimes when there wasn’t any left, our teacher would have us walk around campus with our pointer fingers and thumbs shaped into a rectangle, pretending to take photographs. I can vividly remember running out, and sometimes having to wait weeks until I was able to buy more. Back in high school and college, I shot film.

My memory pictures